Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Post Election Day

To start off with I would like for everyone who voted to give themselves a pat on the back. Voting is our duty as citizens of this great country. It is a simply price to pay for the many luxuries we do have.

I wanted to wait until after the election to post about my election day experience and my feelings regarding the election. This blog is all about the No Child Left Behind legislation and the field of education, but education has been the least of the candidates worries due to the state of our economy. Because of this, the candidates views on education did not influence the way the majority of people voted. So, this post is not going to revolve around education, but around the election day experience.

When I woke up on November 4th I realized that it was time for me to vote, since I had not done so early. I was actually very excited about the thought of having a part in who was going to be the leader of our country. I stood in a relatively short line compared to my expections, voted, took my sticker and was off. After this it was all about waiting. Many news station were predicting who won different states after only a small percentage of the votes were turned in early and I was confused on how this could be done. Early on it looked as though the election was going to be close, but later on in the night when the winner was unofficially declared it did not seem so. From my blog I am sure my political opinion can be deduced and because of this I was even more frustrated with the scene I saw last night. There were cheers that could be heard all around campus, but what really annoyed me was the people screaming about how anything could happen and the mesiah had come. This moves to my other strong opinion that someone should be voted for based on their policies alone. Otherwise the Franklin St. experience was one of a kind and a really exciting place to be.

Yesterday was a historic day in this nations history and regardless there is something special about what happened last night. People have very strong opinions regarding this election both positive and negative. For those who think that our nation is now "screwed", take a moment, step back and think as positive as one can. One man will have a significant influence on the country, but because of this the country is not going to fall apart. Everyone should love this great country and embrace whatever the future holds for it and believe the future can be positive.

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