Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Over break post Economy!

It just may be that we are in a crisis and there is much at risk. Our president and his staff have called for a change in the bailout plan. They decided to give 250 billion dollars to banks. Half of this goes to big banks and the other half goes to small banks. This has made a big impact so far. Yesterday, the stock market went up 935ish points. This was an all time record gain. It seems that the rest of the world has the same idea. Britain decided to nationalize their banks even before the US did and many other countries just recently decided to. It seems that the US only hesitated because this plan leans towards socialism.
In both blog reading and news reading one finds that liberals have been asking for this for a while. They thought this was a good idea in the beginning. Hopefully this plan will work. This plan is very new dealish and many are worried by this socialistic plan because it would mean we are in a depression. But of course we are actually in a recession and it is something that we are going to have to come to terms with. This is more prevalent in the blog reading because radical ideas and feelings are usually shared on blogs and not in the news. The news always seems to be a place where, although there is a little bias, most things discussed are talked about from a if not neutral viewpoint one much more neutral than those seen on blog sites. Facts are presented to the people with as little twist as allowed by the networks, but in blogging any individuals opinion can be shared without another constricting what they really want to say.


Anonymous said...

Although this isn't about education you make very interesting points about the economy and what is going on. I get the vibe from your post that you don't think that the quick fix is the way to go, but do you have some sort of plan in mind that would be better than what is being presented now? Does Bush have the support of the candidates running for president on this issue?

Cam said...


First, thank you for taking your time and posting on my blog. Second, if I had a better plan I would be in office advising the president right now. However, I do not believe that either candidate has agreed totally with the president on what to do. Both seem to be working hard campaigning and in congress trying to come up with the best plan. Like the original bailout plan that was rejected by the senate, I am sure there will be many more disagreements between the president now and the candidates trying to become elected. To some extent since both are campaigning on the platform of change both are going to have to have views opposite the current president on how to revamp the economy.